WesselinkVanZijst are experts in building consensus. Strategic Stakeholder Engagement (SSE) is based on the Mutual Gains Approach (Harvard). In this approach, negotiation is based on interests rather than positions. By paying specific attention to the deeper, underlying interests of all stakeholders, solutions that deliver value to all parties can be explored. The SSE methodology is highly solution-oriented and, at the same time, build a sustainable relationship with stakeholders.

Our team consists of experienced and highly motivated consultants, who use their own experience in the field to further develop the SSE methodology. We offer strategic and practical advice and provide highly skilled SSE experts to challenging project assignments. We also help embed the SSE method and Mutual Gains negotiation as strategic competencies inside organisations.

We share our knowledge through a wide range of training courses offered by our SSE Academy (SOM Academie), and books and literature in our Knowledge Centre


WesselinkVanZijst is affiliated with the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) in Boston, founded by MIT professor Lawrence Susskind, and collaborates with the Public Mediation Programme of the University of Amsterdam.
Our knowledge network